What Makes Commercial Solar Water Heaters a Good Investment for Businesses?

Currently, more businesses are looking for ways to minimize their environmental impact and save money on energy costs. That’s why commercial solar water heaters have become a popular solution. Solar water heaters use solar energy to heat water that can be used for different purposes on business premises. 

Continue reading this post and know what makes a commercial solar water heating system a smart investment for businesses.

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How do the Commercial Solar Water Heaters Work?

Generally, commercial solar water heaters work by absorbing the energy from the sun and converting it into heat. The water heating system comprises a collector, a storage tank, and a circulation pump. 

Typically, the solar collector is mounted on the roof or another sunny location and contains tubes or panels to absorb sunlight and transfer the heat to the water. After that, the heated water will be stored in a tank until it's needed. The circulation pump distributes the hot water to the required places in the building.

What are the Main Benefits of Commercial Solar Water Heaters?

Cost Benefits –

Commercial solar water heaters can help you significantly reduce energy costs for businesses. Though they use the sun's energy to heat water, businesses don’t need to invest in expensive electricity or gas.

Environmental Benefits –

Commercial solar water heaters are considered a renewable energy source and can significantly minimize the carbon footprint of businesses. They also reduce dependence on non-renewable energy sources, which benefits the environment.

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Durability – 

Solar water heaters have a much longer lifespan and need minimal maintenance. They're specifically engineered to withstand harsh weather conditions and can deliver hot water for decades.

Reliability –

Solar water heaters are reliable and can provide hot water even during power outages. It can be necessary for businesses relying on hot water for their operations.

Cost Incentives and Rebates –

Many governments and utility companies are currently providing cost incentives and rebates for businesses installing solar water heaters. These incentives can help businesses offset the upfront installation costs and make solar water heaters an even more valuable investment.

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How to Install a Commercial Solar Water Heating System?

Installing commercial solar water heaters will vary depending on the size and complexity of the system. You should work with a qualified installer with experience and knowledge of commercial solar water heaters. 

The solar installer will evaluate the energy needs of the buildings and help you design a system that meets those requirements. The installation process can take a few days to a few weeks, depending on the system's size and complexity.

Final Conclusion –

Commercial solar water heaters offer amazing benefits for businesses like cost savings, environmental benefits, durability, reliability, and incentives. Though these systems harness the power of the sun, businesses can reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint. 

When installing a commercial solar water heater, you should rely on Latitude51 Solar. With the right system in place, businesses can enjoy hot water for decades while saving money and protecting the environment. For professional help with the installation of a commercial solar water heater, please contact Latitude51 Solar at +1(800) 317-9054.


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