Why Do You Own Solar Water Heaters?

Every home needs a way to access hot water. From showers and baths to cleaning and dishwashing, it’s paramount for every homeowner, family and renter. Starting from a hybrid heat pump, conventional storage tanks to a tankless model, there’s no shortage of option for users.

This is where a solar water heating system comes in. It’s an ideal way of heating water. While there are can be some downside in specific regions on accessibility and initial cost, there is more upside especially when it comes to long term viability.

 Here are a few reasons why do you own a solar water heating system: 

 Saving space –

A typical solar water heating system should take up no more space and every system generally comes with 2-3 solar panels. The traditional solar water heating system uses heavy tanks and pumps that need more space around the home.

The additional hassle and impairment impact the capacity of the house. The solar water heater enables water to be heated effortlessly while saving you space.

Financial savings –

If you are concerned about the cost of investing in a solar water heater, you should know that the financial savings in the medium to long term outweigh the stress of initial cost. Different researches carried by energy resource companies conclude that going with solar is the more viable option when you are thinking to reduce the monthly household utility bill. Instead of getting stressed about the initial cost, you will receive more rewards and great return on your investment.

Efficiency –

A standard solar water heater enables transition of 80% of radiation into heat energy. This system offers a great level of efficiency that needs less input to generate hot water for household.

 The solar water heater stores and maintains more energy than other heating systems. With diffused energy, it can access heat regardless of weather conditions – be it’s a cloud cover or evening.

Lower carbon footprint –

A solar water heating system will ensure lower carbon footprint than the traditional systems available. For many homeowners, it will be a great addition and an incentive to install while others will pay more attention to bottom line. A healthier environment is an important investment for everyone.  

Maintenance-free –

Once you install solar water heater, you barely need maintenance for the system. Apart from the occasional check up to make sure that the system is functioning properly, you won’t need continual servicing and fixing as compared to tanks and pumps that often get stained.

A top-quality solar water heater will have a lifespan of 15-20 years and rest assured that, the professionals have to appear on site very less and check everything running smoothly like it was on the first day. This is really valuable for customers who want to cut down on the maintenance cost.

If you are convinced about buying a solar water heater, you should look no further than Latitude51 Solar. Likewise any major investment in the household, it’s worthwhile to invest in superior quality solar water heaters available for sale at Latitude51 Solar. For more information about our solar water systems and their specifications, please visit our website at https://www.latitude51solar.ca/.


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