
Showing posts from February, 2023

Going Green: The Advantages and Benefits of Residential Solar Water Heaters

You must be requiring hot water at some part of the year. It is possible to heat water using gas or electricity; however, there is another innovative way of doing such and it is by using a   residential   solar water heater . You may be wondering why we recommend using solar water heaters. One of the important reasons is that it offers a way to Go Green and be environment friendly. Let us have a look at some of the advantages of using this methodology to heat water. Types of solar water heater and how it works Before discussing the advantages of using solar water heaters, it would be wise to know about the types possible to have and their working nature. There are primarily two types of solar water heaters: evacuated tubes and smooth and even plate collectors. The type of solar water heating systems can be of two types: active solar water heating systems and passive solar water heating systems. The active solar system has controls and circulation pumps. The active solar heati...

What Makes Commercial Solar Water Heaters Significant for Hospitality Sector?

The hospital sector includes people who operate hotels, restaurants, and recreational properties. Hence, going green is simply the right thing to do in the hospitality sector. However, if you want to go green and receive a good return on your investment, it’s even better for you.  Though water heating is the largest energy usage in the hospitality industry, it makes up around a third of total energy usage. Virtually, you can take advantage of commercial solar water heaters .  What Makes Commercial Solar Water Heaters Significant for Hospitality Sector? Hot water may seem complimentary for guests, but the hotel management knows that every shower and laundry cycle count towards a steeply increasing utility bill. Of course in the hospitality industry, you can’t even ask customers and guests to sacrifice on comfort by using less power and hot water. However, you can use sustainable solar systems strategically that can reduce expenses without guests even knowing. Take a look at the...

Why Do You Switch to Evacuated Tube Solar Water Heaters?

Solar water heating system uses solar energy to heat hot water at home. On average, a person uses between 20 and 30 gallons of hot water a day. A family of four people would use between 2,400 and 3,600 gallons of hot water every month – all of each can be provided free of cost by using solar energy.  Solar water heaters are sized properly to accommodate the current usage of residential and commercial property owners. That implies, your habits and lifestyle don’t need to be changed. Once the installation of the solar hot water system is done, the only thing that will change is your monthly bill. Switching to Solar Evacuated Tube Water Heaters  Minimized Energy Costs  The solar hot water system is an affordable, efficient way of using clean, renewable energy that every homeowner throughout Canada takes advantage of. Utilizing the energy from the sun means lower energy costs, free hot water for your home usage and more independence on energy. Solar evacuated tube collectors...