Residential Solar Water Heaters - Few Facts to Know
Tired of the tantrums of your electric water heater? Looking for some better and efficient alternative for residential use? Then you may find residential solar water heaters as a good option. The solar water heaters use the clean energy from the sun to heat water for your household use. If you reside in an area that is mostly sunny, then installing residential solar water heaters is highly beneficial for you. Let's take a look at some of the facts about residential solar water heaters below to understand more about these devices: Solar powered water heaters make use of energy collectors All the solar powered water heaters come with energy collectors where the tap water gets heated up. The best collector for your home depends on the climate in your area, your property and the intended use of the hot water. Typically there are three main types of energy collectors for solar water heater that include Flat plate, integral collector storage, and evacuated tube collectors. Flat plate co...